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Fur Particles Allergy

Indoor & Outdoor Allergen Testing

Indoor & Outdoor allergies are just as common as food allergies. It is an excellent choice for someone who wants to find out what could causing upper respiratory symptoms and skin rashes. Indoor & Outdoor ​allergy testing is obtained by a simple blood draw (we do not perform "scratch" testing). Patients are given their unique bloodprint based on their lab sample to gain awareness of what allergens may be causing acute and chronic illness, inflammation or ailment.​Signs of indoor or outdoor allergies, typically occur immediately or hours after exposure.  The signs and symptoms vary depending on the allergy. The testing does uncover allergens that trigger chronic inflammation and related health issues, such as  migraines, dermatitis, respiratory issues, fatigue, joint pain and many other problems. ​​We test multiple allergies including: pet dander, insects, dust, latex, grasses, herbs, trees & weeds

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