Fat Blaster in Kingsport, TN

Fat Blaster in Kingsport, TN

Fat Blaster in Kingsport, TN

The Fat Blaster is a revolutionary injectable medication designed to target and destroy fat cells in specific areas of the body. Composed of synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that occurs naturally in the body and breaks down fat, Fat Blaster offers a non-surgical option for those looking to reduce fat. This innovative treatment works by being directly injected into the fat deposits, where it immediately begins to break down the fat cells. As these cells are destroyed, they are permanently removed from the body, meaning they can no longer store or accumulate fat. The treatment process is straightforward and quick, with patients typically experiencing noticeable swelling in the treatment area as the body initiates its natural healing process. Results become visible within 4-6 weeks as the body clears away the destroyed fat cells, leading to a noticeable reduction in fat.

For individuals seeking a non-invasive solution to reduce unwanted fat, Fat Blaster at ARMÉ in Kingsport, TN, offers a convenient and effective option. Ideal candidates are those close to their desired weight but struggling with localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. With Fat Blaster, patients can achieve a more sculpted appearance without the need for surgery. The results of Fat Blaster last for years because the fat cells treated are permanently removed. To discover the benefits of Fat Blaster for yourself and to take the first step towards a more contoured silhouette, book your appointment with ARMÉ today.

Fat Blaster in Kingsport, TN

The Fat Blaster is a revolutionary injectable medication designed to target and destroy fat cells in specific areas of the body. Composed of synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that occurs naturally in the body and breaks down fat, Fat Blaster offers a non-surgical option for those looking to reduce fat. This innovative treatment works by being directly injected into the fat deposits, where it immediately begins to break down the fat cells. As these cells are destroyed, they are permanently removed from the body, meaning they can no longer store or accumulate fat. The treatment process is straightforward and quick, with patients typically experiencing noticeable swelling in the treatment area as the body initiates its natural healing process. Results become visible within 4-6 weeks as the body clears away the destroyed fat cells, leading to a noticeable reduction in fat.

For individuals seeking a non-invasive solution to reduce unwanted fat, Fat Blaster at ARMÉ in Kingsport, TN, offers a convenient and effective option. Ideal candidates are those close to their desired weight but struggling with localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. With Fat Blaster, patients can achieve a more sculpted appearance without the need for surgery. The results of Fat Blaster last for years because the fat cells treated are permanently removed. To discover the benefits of Fat Blaster for yourself and to take the first step towards a more contoured silhouette, book your appointment with ARMÉ today.

Eleven Lines


Eleven lines, also known as glabellar lines, are vertical wrinkles that appear between the eyebrows. Neurotoxins treat these by relaxing the muscles responsible for frowning, smoothing out the skin and reducing the appearance of these lines.

Forehead Lines


Forehead lines are horizontal wrinkles that develop across the forehead due to repeated facial expressions. Neurotoxins are used to relax the forehead muscles, minimizing the visibility of these lines and resulting in a smoother forehead appearance.

Crow's Feet


Crow’s feet are the lines that fan out from the corners of the eyes. They are effectively treated with neurotoxins, which relax the orbicularis oculi muscles around the eyes, softening these wrinkles and rejuvenating the eye area.

Brow Lift


Neurotoxins are used in non-surgical brow lifts in order to prevent interference with muscles that lift the eyebrows. This results in a subtle lifting effect, enhancing the shape and position of the eyebrows.

Bunny Lines


Bunny lines are the diagonal wrinkles that appear on either side of the nose when smiling or laughing. Injecting neurotoxins into the nasalis muscle relaxes it, reducing the appearance of these lines for a smoother nasal area.

Downward Turn Mouth (DAO)


The downward turn of the mouth is often due to the action of the depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscle. Neurotoxins can relax this muscle, lifting the corners of the mouth and creating a more positive resting facial expression.

Chin Dimpling


Chin dimpling, also known as “peau d’orange,” is the orange peel-like appearance of the chin caused by the hyperactivity of the mentalis muscle. Neurotoxins can relax this muscle, smoothing out the chin’s texture.

Gummy Smile


During smiling, gum tissue can be seen above the top teeth, which is known as a gummy smile. Neurotoxins can be injected into the muscles that raise the upper lip, reducing the upward movement of the upper lip during smiling and reducing gum visibility.

Lip Flip (Add On)


The lip flip is a procedure where neurotoxins are injected near the edge of the upper lip. As an add-on treatment, it can subtly enhance the natural lip line, giving the appearance of a fuller upper lip by allowing it to curl outward slightly.

Lip Flip (Stand Alone)


When performed as a stand-alone procedure, the lip flip involves precise neurotoxin injections to relax the muscles around the lips. This subtly enhances the upper lip’s fullness and shape without the volume added by fillers.

Under Eye Wrinkle


Under eye wrinkles can be softened with neurotoxins by carefully targeting the muscles around the eyes. This treatment relaxes the fine muscles, smoothing skin and diminishing fine lines under the eyes.

Nose Tip Tinkerbell Lift


The Tinkerbell lift is a technique where neurotoxins are injected into the base of the nose to relax the depressor septi nasi muscle. This subtle lift of the nose tip creates a more refined nasal profile, often referred to as a “Tinkerbell” tip due to its delicate lift.

Nasal Flaring & Slimming


Nasal flaring and slimming treatments involve injecting neurotoxins into the muscles responsible for the width and flare of the nostrils. This technique reduces the muscle activity that causes excessive flaring, leading to a slimmer appearance of the nose.



Neurotoxin injections into the masseter muscle can provide relief for patients suffering from bruxism (teeth grinding) or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. This treatment reduces muscle tension and size, alleviating jaw pain, headaches, and teeth damage associated with these conditions.

Platysmal (Neck) Bands


Visible bands in the neck, caused by the contraction of the platysmal muscles, can be softened with neurotoxin injections. This treatment relaxes the muscles, reducing the appearance of these bands and resulting in a smoother, more youthful neck profile.

Nefertiti Neck Lift


The Nefertiti Neck Lift is a non-surgical procedure that uses neurotoxins to redefine the jawline and soften the appearance of the neck. By relaxing the platysmal bands and muscles pulling down on the jawline, this treatment creates a more contoured and lifted neck and jawline, reminiscent of the elegant silhouette of Queen Nefertiti.

Microtox for Under Eye Tightening


Microtox refers to the use of very small, diluted amounts of neurotoxin injected superficially under the eyes. This treatment targets fine lines and laxity, improving skin texture and tightness for a refreshed and youthful under-eye appearance.

Pore Reduction (Red Carpet Facial)


Pore reduction with neurotoxins, often part of a “Red Carpet Facial,” involves injecting diluted neurotoxin into the facial skin to reduce the appearance of large pores. This treatment also helps to control sebum production, contributing to smoother and clearer skin, ideal for special events.

Jawline Contouring


Jawline contouring with neurotoxins involves strategic injections along the jawline and sometimes into the masseter muscle to create a more defined jawline. This can also reduce the appearance of jowls (sagging skin) by relaxing the muscles that contribute to a downward pull on the jawline.

Hyperhidrosis (Underarms or Hands)


For treating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in the underarms or hands, neurotoxins can be injected into the sweat glands to block the nerve signals that cause excessive sweating. This treatment provides significant relief and can drastically improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition.

Barbie Botox (Trapezius Slimming)


Barbie Botox, or trapezius slimming, involves injecting neurotoxins into the trapezius muscles at the shoulders’ back and sides. This treatment reduces muscle bulkiness, leading to a more slender neck and shoulder line, often associated with a more feminine silhouette, hence the name “Barbie Botox.”

Benefits of Fat Blaster



Individuals close to their ideal body weight but struggling with stubborn fat pockets that diet and exercise cannot eliminate are excellent candidates for Fat Blaster.
Results are typically visible within 4-6 weeks after treatment, as fat cells are naturally processed and removed.
The results from Fat Blaster are permanent since the destroyed fat cells cannot regenerate or store fat again.
Patients may experience minimal downtime with some swelling and bruising in the treated area, which usually subsides within a few days.
Before and after Fat Blaster, follow your healthcare provider’s instructions, which may include avoiding certain medications and maintaining hydration.
During the Fat Blaster treatment, patients will receive a series of injections in the targeted area, which may cause a sensation of mild discomfort or pressure.




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